This research aims to build a computer-based system for measuring slub yarn characteristics and evaluating the results using\r\nstatistical methods. The measuring system was based on the electrical condenser of the Uster evenness tester as ameasuring sensor.\r\nA digital storage oscilloscope was used to convert the analogue output signals into digital data to be recorded on a computer. A\r\ndesigned computer program was constructed usingMatLab language for signal analysis based on a proposed method. Final results\r\nfrom this system contained graphical plots for the three measured slub yarn geometrical parameters slub length, slub distance, and\r\nslub thickness and a final report for all the measured slub yarn characteristics. The results of tested slub yarn samples showed that\r\nactual slub geometrical parameters differ from nominal values and the difference had two level: prevailing difference and outlier\r\nvalues. Outliers which are considered slub yarn defects were detected and counted in a final report using the box plot statistical\r\nmethod which could be an effective industrial tool for evaluation of both yarn quality and machine performance.The prevailing\r\ndifference was assessed using histogram comparison which could help in adjusting the setting of slub yarn device to obtain the\r\nrequired appearance.